Debugging Tools for Windows

Cutting and Pasting Text

WinDbg uses many common methods of manipulating text and several methods that are less familiar.

Selecting Text

To select text in a Source window, in the Disassembly window, in either pane of the Debugger Command window, or in a dialog box, point to one end of the text, press and hold the left mouse button, and drag the pointer to the other end of the text.

To select all of the text in a window, you can also click Select All on the Edit menu or press CTRL+A.

In the Calls window, Watch window, Locals window, Registers window, and Memory window, you cannot select an arbitrary span of text, but you can select a whole line or cell. Click in the desired line or cell to select its text.

While you are entering text, press the DELETE and BACKSPACE keys to delete the text to the right or left of the cursor, respectively. If you select text, you can press these keys to delete the selection. If you select text and then type any characters, the new characters replace what you selected.

Copying Text

To copy text, select that text and then do one of the following:

Cutting Text

To cut text and move it to the clipboard, select the text and then do one of the following:

You can cut text from the bottom pane of the Debugger Command window, from the left column of the Watch window, and from any dialog box (that is, from any location that supports text entry).

Pasting Text

To paste text from the clipboard, put the cursor where you want to insert the text (or select the text that you want to replace) and then do one of the following:

You can paste text into the bottom pane of the Debugger Command window, into the left column of the Watch window, and into any dialog box (that is, into any location that supports text entry).

Right Mouse Button

The right mouse button has several effects that can make copying and pasting much quicker:

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