Debugging Tools for Windows


The CreateProcess2 and CreateProcess2Wide methods execute the given command to create a new process.

    IN ULONG64  Server,
    IN PSTR  CommandLine,
    IN PVOID  OptionsBuffer,
    IN ULONG  OptionsBufferSize,
    IN OPTIONAL PCSTR  InitialDirectory,
    IN OPTIONAL PCSTR  Environment

    IN ULONG64  Server,
    IN PWSTR  CommandLine,
    IN PVOID  OptionsBuffer,
    IN ULONG  OptionsBufferSize,
    IN OPTIONAL PCWSTR  InitialDirectory,
    IN OPTIONAL PCWSTR  Environment

#ifdef UNICODE
#define CreateProcess2T CreateProcess2Wide
#define CreateProcess2T CreateProcess2


Specifies the process server that will be attached to the process. If Server is zero, the engine will create the local process without using a process server.
Specifies the command line to execute to create the new process.
Specifies the process creation options. OptionsBuffer is a pointer to a DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS structure.
Specifies the size of the buffer OptionsBuffer. This should be set to sizeof(DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS).
Specifies the starting directory for the process. If InitialDirectory is NULL, the current directory for the process server is used.
Specifies an environment block for the new process. An environment block consists of a null-terminated block of null-terminated strings. Each string is of the form:


Note that the last two characters of the environment block are both NULL: one to terminate the string and one to terminate the block.

If Environment is set to NULL, the new process inherits the environment block of the process server. If the DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_THROUGH_RTL flag is set in OptionsBuffer, then Environment must be NULL.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

CreateProcess2 and CreateProcess2Wide are available in IDebugClient5 and later versions.


This method is available only for live user-mode debugging.

If CreateFlags contains either of the flags DEBUG_PROCESS or DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS, the engine will also attach to the newly created process. This is similar to the behavior of CreateProcessAndAttach2 with its argument ProcessId set to zero.

For more information about creating and attaching to live user-mode targets, see Live User-Mode Targets.


Headers: Defined in dbgeng.h. Include dbgeng.h.

See Also

CreateProcessAndAttach2, AttachProcess, .create (Create Process), ConnectProcessServer, CreateProcess2, GetRunningProcessSystemIds, GetRunningProcessDescription , DetachCurrentProcess, TerminateCurrentProcess, AbandonCurrentProcess

Build machine: CAPEBUILD