Debugging Tools for Windows


The InitTypeReadPhysical and InitTypeStrReadPhysical macros initialize a structure in physical memory so that its members can be read using ReadField.

#define InitTypeReadPhysical(AddrType) \
    GetShortField(Addr, #Type, 3)

#define InitTypeStrReadPhysical(AddrTypeStr) \
    GetShortField(AddrTypeStr, 3)


Specifies the address of the structure in the target's physical memory.
Specifies the name of the type of the structure. The C pre-processor will turn Type into a string.
Specifies the name of the type of the structure. TypeStr is expected to be an ASCII string.

Return Value

These macros return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


Note Because these macros use the GetShortField function, ReadField must be used in the same source code file as these macros. For more details, see GetShortField.


Headers: Defined in wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a WdbgExts extension, include wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a DbgEng extension that uses this macro, include wdbgexts.h before dbgeng.h (see Writing DbgEng Extension Code for details).

See Also

InitTypeRead, ReadField, GetShortField

Build machine: CAPEBUILD