Debugging Tools for Windows


The ReadListEntry function reads a doubly-linked list entry from the target's memory.

    ULONG64  Address,
    PLIST_ENTRY64  List


Specifies the address of the list entry in the target. If the target uses 32-bit pointers, this should be the address of a LIST_ENTRY32 structure. If the target uses 64-bit pointers, this should be the address of a LIST_ENTRY64 structure.
Receives a LIST_ENTRY64 structure that contains pointers to the previous and next entries in the list. If the target uses 32-bit pointers, they are sign-extended to 64 bits.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.


For more information about the LIST_ENTRY structures, see the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.


Headers: Defined in wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a WdbgExts extension, include wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a DbgEng extension that calls this function, include wdbgexts.h before dbgeng.h (see Writing DbgEng Extension Code for details).

LIST_ENTRY64 and LIST_ENTRY32 are defined in winnt.h.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD