Debugging Tools for Windows


The DBG_DUMP_XXX bit flags are used by the Options member of the SYM_DUMP_PARAM structure to control the behavior of the IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO Ioctl operation.

The following flags can be present.

Flag Effect
DBG_DUMP_NO_INDENT Members are not indented in the output.
DBG_DUMP_NO_OFFSET Offsets are not printed.
DBG_DUMP_VERBOSE Verbose output.
DBG_DUMP_CALL_FOR_EACH A callback function is called for each member.
DBG_DUMP_LIST The symbol is an entry in a linked list and the IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO Ioctl operation will iterate over this list. The description of the member that points to the next item in the list is specified by the linkList member of the SYM_DUMP_PARAM structure.
DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT Nothing is printed (only callback functions are called and data copies are performed).
DBG_DUMP_GET_SIZE_ONLY The Ioctl operation returns the size of the symbol only; it will not print member information or call callback functions.
DBG_DUMP_COMPACT_OUT Newlines are not printed after each member.
DBG_DUMP_ARRAY The symbol is an array. The number of elements in the array is specified by the member listLink->size of the SYM_DUMP_PARAM structure.
DBG_DUMP_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD The value of addr is actually the address of the member listLink->fName of the SYM_DUMP_PARAM structure and not the beginning of the symbol.
DBG_DUMP_ADDRESS_AT_END The value of addr is actually the address at the end of the symbol and not the beginning of the symbol.
DBG_DUMP_COPY_TYPE_DATA The value of the symbol is copied into the member pBuffer. This can only be used for primitive types—for example, ULONG or PVOID—it cannot be used with structures.
DBG_DUMP_READ_PHYSICAL The symbol's value will be read directly from the target's physical memory.
DBG_DUMP_FUNCTION_FORMAT When formatting a symbol that has a function type, the function format will be used, for example,
DBG_DUMP_BLOCK_RECURSE Recurse through nested structures; but do not follow pointers.

In addition, the result of the macro DBG_DUMP_RECUR_LEVEL(Level) can be added to the bit-set to specify how deep into structures to recurse. Level can be a number between 0 and 15.


Headers: Defined in wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a WdbgExts extension, include wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a DbgEng extension that uses these constants, include wdbgexts.h before dbgeng.h (see Writing DbgEng Extension Code for details).

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD