Debugging Tools for Windows


The IRQL_UNEXPECTED_VALUE bug check has a value of 0x000000C8. This indicates that the processor's IRQL is not what it should be at this time.


The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen.

Parameter Description
1 The value of the following bit computation:

(Current IRQL << 16) | (Expected IRQL << 8) | UniqueValue

2 Zero, or APC->KernelRoutine
3 Zero, or APC
4 Zero, or APC->NormalRoutine

You can determine "UniqueValue" by computing (Parameter 1 AND 0xFF). If "UniqueValue" is either zero or one, Parameter 2, Parameter 3, and Parameter 4 will equal the indicated APC pointers. Otherwise, these parameters will equal zero.


This error is usually caused by a device driver or another lower-level program that changed the IRQL for some period and did not restore the original IRQL at the end of that period. For example, the routine may have acquired a spin lock and failed to release it.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD