Debugging Tools for Windows


The DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS structure contains most of the parameters for describing a module.

    ULONG64  Base;
    ULONG  Size;
    ULONG  TimeDateStamp;
    ULONG  Checksum;
    ULONG  Flags;
    ULONG  SymbolType;
    ULONG  ImageNameSize;
    ULONG  ModuleNameSize;
    ULONG  LoadedImageNameSize;
    ULONG  SymbolFileNameSize;
    ULONG  MappedImageNameSize;


The location in the target's virtual address space of the module’s base. If the value of Base is DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET, the structure is invalid.
The size, in bytes, of the memory range that is occupied by the module.
The date and time stamp of the module's executable file. This is the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as stored in the image file header.
The checksum of the image. This value can be zero.
A bit-set that contains the module's flags. The bit-flags that can be present are as follows.
Value Description
DEBUG_MODULE_UNLOADED The module was unloaded.
DEBUG_MODULE_USER_MODE The module is a user-mode module.
DEBUG_MODULE_SYM_BAD_CHECKSUM The checksum in the symbol file did not match the checksum for the module image.

The type of symbols that are loaded for the module. This member can have one of the following values.
Value Description
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_NONE No symbols are loaded.
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_COFF The symbols are in common object file format (COFF).
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_CODEVIEW The symbols are in Microsoft CodeView format.
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_PDB Symbols in PDB format have been loaded through the pre-Debug Interface Access (DIA) interface.
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_EXPORT No actual symbol files were found; symbol information was extracted from the binary file's export table.
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_DEFERRED The module was loaded, but the engine has deferred its loading of the symbols.
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_SYM Symbols in SYM format have been loaded.
DEBUG_SYMTYPE_DIA Symbols in PDB format have been loaded through the DIA interface.

The size of the file name for the module. The size is measured in characters, including the terminator.
The size of the module name of the module. The size is measured in characters, including the terminator.
The size of the loaded image name for the module. The size is measured in characters, including the terminator.
The size of the symbol file name for the module. The size is measured in characters, including the terminator.
The size of the mapped image name of the module. The size is measured in characters, including the terminator.


This structure is returned by GetModuleParameters.

To locate the different names for the module, use GetModuleNameString.

For more information about modules, see Modules. For details about the different names for the module, see GetModuleNameString.


Headers: Defined in DbgEng.h. Include DbgEng.h.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD