Debugging Tools for Windows

File | Open Source File

Click Open Source File on the File menu to load a specific source file.

This command is equivalent to pressing CTRL+O or clicking the Open source file (Ctrl+O) button ().

Dialog Box

When you click Open Source File, the Open Source File dialog box appears. To open a file, do the following:

  1. In the Look in list, select the directory where the file is located. The directory last opened is selected by default.
  2. In the Files of type list, select the type of file that you want to open. Only files with the chosen extensions are displayed in the Open Source File dialog box.

    Note  You can also use wildcard patterns in the File name box to display only files with a certain extension. The new wildcard pattern is retained in a session until you change it. You can use any combination of wildcard patterns, separated by semicolons. For example, entering *.INC; *.H; *.CPP displays all files with these extensions. The maximum number of characters in a line is 251.

  3. If you find the file you want, double-click the file name, or click the file name and click Open.


    To discard changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

The names of the four files that you opened most recently in WinDbg are displayed when you point to Recent files on the File menu. To open one of these files, click its name.

Additional Information

For more information about source files and source paths and for other ways to load source files, see Source Path.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD