Debugging Tools for Windows


The !minipkd.srb extension displays the specified SCSI request block (SRB) data structure.


!minipkd.srb SRB 


Specifies the address of an SRB.


Windows 2000 Unavailable
Windows XP and later Minipkd.dll


The addresses of all currently active requests can be found in the SRB fields of the output from the !minipkd.req command.

This extension displays the status of the SRB, the driver it is addressed to, the SCSI that issued the SRB and its address, and a hexadecimal flag value. If 0x10000 is set in the flag value, this request is currently in the miniport.

Additional Information

For more information, see SCSI Miniport Debugging.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD