Debugging Tools for Windows


The !wdfkd.wdfdevext extension displays information that is associated with the DeviceExtension member of a Microsoft Windows Driver Model (WDM) DEVICE_OBJECT structure. This information includes a handle to a WDFDEVICE-typed object and a handle to the object's driver-defined context space.


!wdfkd.wdfdevext DeviceExtension 


A pointer to a device extension.


Windows NT 4.0 Unavailable
Windows 2000 and later Wdfkd.dll


The !wdfkd.wdfdevext extension takes a device extension pointer, which is obtained from !devobj or !devstack, and returns handles to the WDFDEVICE-typed object and the object's driver-defined context. The following example uses the !devstack and !wdfkd.wdfdevext extensions and the dt command.

kd> !devstack 0x81fb00e8
  !DevObj   !DrvObj                   !DevExt   ObjectName
> 81fb00e8  \Driver\WdfRawBusEnumTest 8352cff0  0000005c
!DevNode 820bf170 :
  DeviceInst is "WdfRawBusEnumTest\RawEnumerator\1&2d12bed1&0&Instance0"

kd> !wdfdevext 8352cff0
Device context is 0x8352cff0
    context:  dt 0x8352cff0 RAW_PDO_CONTEXT (size is 0xc bytes)
     <no associated attribute callbacks>

!WDFDEVICE 0x7cad31c8
!wdfobject 0x8352ce30

kd> dt 0x8352cff0 RAW_PDO_CONTEXT 
   +0x000 ChildList        : 0x7ce710c8 WDFCHILDLIST__
   +0x004 BusGenerationTimer : 0x7d8bd0b0 WDFTIMER__
   +0x008 BusGenerationCount : 0

Additional Information

For more information, see Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Debugging.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD