Debugging Tools for Windows


The !wdfkd.wdfqueue extension displays information about a specified framework queue object and the framework request objects that are in the queue.


!wdfkd.wdfqueue Handle 


A handle to a framework queue object.


Windows NT 4.0 Unavailable
Windows 2000 and later Wdfkd.dll


If you omit the DriverName parameter, the default driver is used. You can display the default driver by using the !wdfkd.wdfgetdriver extension; you can set the default driver by using the !wdfkd.wdfsetdriver extension.

The following example shows the display from a !wdfkd.wdfqueue extension.

kd> !wdfqueue 0x7ce7d1e8

Dumping WDFQUEUE 0x7ce7d1e8
Parallel, Power-managed, PowerOff, Can accept, Can dispatch, ExecutionLevelDispatch, SynchronizationScopeNone
    Number of driver owned requests: 0
    Number of waiting requests: 0

    EvtIoDefault: (0xf221fad0) wdfrawbusenumtest!EvtIoQueueDefault

The queue in the preceding example is configured for parallel dispatching, is power-managed but is currently in the Off state, and can both accept and dispatch requests.

Additional Information

For more information, see Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Debugging.

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