Debugging Tools for Windows


The !wdfkd.wdfusbdevice extension displays information about a specified Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) USB device object. This information includes all USB interfaces and the pipes that are configured for each interface.


!wdfkd.wdfusbdevice Handle [Flags


A handle to a WDFUSBDEVICE-typed USB device object.
Optional. A hexadecimal value that modifies the kind of information to return. The default value is 0x0. Flags can be any combination of the following bits:
Bit 0 (0x1)
The display will include the properties of the I/O target.
Bit 1 (0x2)
The display will include the properties of the I/O target for each USB pipe object.


Windows NT 4.0 Unavailable
Windows 2000 and later Wdfkd.dll

Additional Information

For more information, see Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Debugging.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD