Debugging Tools for Windows |
The !ks.dumpcircuit extension lists details of the transport circuit associated with the given object.
For PortCls, object must be one of the following types: CPortPin*, CKsShellRequestor*, or CIrpStream*.
Windows NT 4.0 | Not available |
Windows 2000 | winxp\ks.dll |
Windows XP and later | ks.dll |
Note that !ks.dumpcircuit starts walking the circuit at the specified object, which does not always correspond to the data source.
You can first use !ks.graph with a filter address to list pin addresses, and then use these addresses with !ks.dumpcircuit.
Here is an example of the !ks.dumpcircuit display:
Pin8293f4f0 0 (snk, out)
Queue82990e20 r/w/c=2489/2/0
For more information, see Kernel Streaming Debugging.