Debugging Tools for Windows

!amli u

The !amli u extension unassembles AML code.


Syntax in Windows 2000

!acpikd.amli u [ MethodName | CodeAddress ] 

Syntax in Windows XP and later

!amli u [ MethodName | CodeAddress ] 


Specifies the full path of the method name to be disassembled.
Specifies the address of the AML code where disassembly will begin. If CodeAddress is prefixed with two percent signs (%%), it is interpreted as a physical address. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a virtual address.


Windows NT 4.0 Unavailable
Windows 2000 Acpikd.dll
Windows XP and later Kdexts.dll


If neither MethodName nor CodeAddress is specified and you are issuing this command from an AMLI Debugger prompt, the disassembly starts at the beginning of the current method.

The disassembly display will continue until the end of the method is reached.

Note  The standard u (Unassemble) command will not give proper results with AML code.

Here are some examples. To disassemble the object at address 0x80E5D701, use the following command:

kd> !amli u 80e5d701

ffffffff80e5d701 : CreateWordField(CRES, 0x1, IRQW)
ffffffff80e5d70c : And(\_SB_.PCI0.LPC_.PIRA, 0xf, Local0)
ffffffff80e5d723 : Store(One, Local1)
ffffffff80e5d726 : ShiftLeft(Local1, Local0, IRQW)
ffffffff80e5d72d : Return(CRES)

The following command will disassemble the _DCK method:

kd> u \_sb.pci0.dock._dck

Additional Information

For information about related commands and their uses, see The AMLI Debugger.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD