Debugging Tools for Windows

.extmatch (Display All Matching Extensions)

The .extmatch command displays extension commands exported by the currently loaded extension DLLs that match the specified pattern.


.extmatch [OptionsPattern 


Specifies the searching options. You can use one or more of the following options:
/e ExtDLLPattern
Limits the enumeration to extension commands exported by extension DLLs that match the specified pattern string. ExtDLLPattern is matched against the extension DLL filename.
Excludes the extension name when the extensions are displayed. Thus, if this option is specified, then only the extension name itself will be displayed.
Specifies a pattern that the extension must contain. Pattern can contain a variety of wildcard characters and specifiers. For more information about the syntax, see String Wildcard Syntax.


Modes User mode, kernel mode
Targets Live, crash dump
Platforms All


Here is an example of this command, showing all the loaded extension DLLs that have an export named !help:

0:000> .extmatch help 

The following example lists all extension commands beginning with the string "he" that are exported by extension DLLs whose names begin with the string "ex":

0:000> .extmatch /e ext* he* 

To display a list of loaded extension DLLs, use the .chain command.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD