Debugging Tools for Windows

.bpcmds (Display Breakpoint Commands)

The .bpcmds command displays the commands that were used to set each of the current breakpoints.




Modes user mode, kernel mode
Targets live, crash dump
Platforms all


If it is unclear whether a particular breakpoint is set at an address, at a symbolic reference, or at a symbol, then this command shows which breakpoint command was used to set the breakpoint originally. A breakpoint set using bp (Set Breakpoint) sets the breakpoint at an address; a breakpoint set using bu (Set Unresolved Breakpoint) sets the breakpoint on a symbolic reference; a breakpoint set using bm (Set Symbol Breakpoint) sets the breakpoint on symbols that match a specified pattern. Here is an example:

0:000> bl
0:000> bp notepad!winmain 
0:000> .bpcmds 
bp0 0x00000001`00003340 ;
0:000> bu notepad!winmain 
breakpoint 0 redefined
0:000> .bpcmds 
bu0 notepad!winmain;
0:000> bu notepad!LoadFile 
0:000> .bpcmds
bu0 notepad!winmain;
bu1 notepad!LoadFile;

Build machine: CAPEBUILD