Debugging Tools for Windows

Using the Toolbar and Status Bar

The toolbar appears underneath the menu bar, near the top of the WinDbg window. The status bar appears at the bottom of the WinDbg window.

Using the Toolbar


The toolbar buttons have various effects. Most of them are equivalent to menu commands. To execute the command that is associated with a toolbar button, click the toolbar button. When you cannot use a button, it appears unavailable.

For more information about each button, see Toolbar Buttons.

Using the Status Bar

Status bar

The following table describes the sections of the WinDbg status bar.

Section Description
Message Displays messages from the debugger.
Ln, Col Displays the line number and column number at the cursor in the active Source window.
Sys Shows the internal decimal number of the system that you are debugging, followed by its computer name (or <Local> if it is the same as the computer as the debugger is running on).
Proc Shows the internal decimal number of the process that you are debugging, followed by its hexadecimal process ID.
Thrd Shows the internal decimal number of the thread that you are debugging, followed by its hexadecimal thread ID.
ASM Indicates that WinDbg is in assembly mode. If ASM is unavailable, WinDbg is in source mode.
OVR Indicates that overtype mode is active. If OVR is unavailable, insert mode is active.
CAPS Indicates that CAPS LOCK is on.
NUM Indicates that NUM LOCK is on.

Hiding the Toolbar or Status Bar

To display or hide the toolbar, select or clear Toolbar on the View menu. To display or hide the status bar, select or clear Status Bar on the View menu.

If you hide the toolbar or the status bar, you have more space for debugging information windows in the WinDbg display area.

Setting the Window Title

You can change the title of the WinDbg window by using the .wtitle (Set Window Title) command.

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