Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetOffsetByName and GetOffsetByNameWide methods return the location of a symbol identified by name.

    IN PCSTR  Symbol,
    OUT PULONG64  Offset

    IN PCWSTR  Symbol,
    OUT PULONG64  Offset

#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetOffsetByNameT GetOffsetByNameWide
#define GetOffsetByNameT GetOffsetByName


Specifies the name of the symbol to locate. The name may be qualified by a module name (for example, mymodule!main).
Receives the location in the target's memory address space of the base of the symbol's memory allocation.

Return Value

The method was successful.
The method was successful. However, the name Symbol was not unique and multiple symbols with that name were found. One of these symbols was arbitrarily chosen and returned.
No symbol could be found with the specified name.

This method may also return other error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetOffsetByName is available in all versions of IDebugSymbols. GetOffsetByNameWide is available in IDebugSymbols3 and later versions.


If the name Symbol is not unique and GetOffsetByName finds multiple symbols with that name, then the ambiguity will be resolved arbitrarily. In this case the value S_FALSE will be returned. StartSymbolMatch can be used to initiate a search to determine which is the desired result.

GetNameByOffset does not support pattern matching (e.g. wildcards). To find a symbol using pattern matching use StartSymbolMatch.

If the module name for the symbol is known, it is best to qualify the symbol name with the module name. Otherwise the engine will search the symbols for all modules until it finds a match; this can take a long time if it has to load the symbol files for a lot of modules. If the symbol name is qualified with a module name, the engine only searches the symbols for that module.

For more information about symbols and symbol names, see Symbols.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h.

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD