Debugging Tools for Windows


The SetProcessOptions method sets the process options affecting the current process.

    IN ULONG  Options


Specifies a set of flags that will become the new process options for the current process. For details on these options, see DEBUG_PROCESS_XXX.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

SetProcessOptions is available in all versions of IDebugClient.


This method is available only in live user-mode debugging.

Some of the process options are global options, others are specific to the current process.

If any process options are modified, the engine will notify the event callbacks by calling their IDebugEventCallbacks::ChangeEngineState method with the DEBUG_CES_PROCESS_OPTIONS flag set.

For more information about creating and attaching to live user-mode targets, see Live User-Mode Targets.


Headers: Defined in dbgeng.h. Include dbgeng.h.

See Also

GetProcessOptions, AddProcessOptions, RemoveProcessOptions, DEBUG_PROCESS_XXX

Build machine: CAPEBUILD