Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetSymbolInformation and SetSymbolInformationWide methods return specified information about a symbol.

    IN ULONG  Which,
    IN ULONG64  Arg64,
    IN ULONG  Arg32,
    IN ULONG  BufferSize,
    OUT OPTIONAL PSTR  StringBuffer,
    IN ULONG  StringBufferSize,

    IN ULONG  Which,
    IN ULONG64  Arg64,
    IN ULONG  Arg32,
    IN ULONG  BufferSize,
    OUT OPTIONAL PWSTR  StringBuffer,
    IN ULONG  StringBufferSize,

#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetSymbolInformationT GetSymbolInformationWide
#define GetSymbolInformationT GetSymbolInformation


Specifies the piece of information to return. Which can take one of the values in the follow table.
Value Information returned
DEBUG_SYMINFO_BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LINE Returns the source code file name and line number for a specified breakpoint. The line number is returned to Buffer as a ULONG. The file name is returned to StringBuffer.
DEBUG_SYMINFO_IMAGEHLP_MODULEW64 Returns an IMAGEHLP_MODULEW64 structure that describes a specified module. For details about this structure, see the IMAGEHELP_MODULE64 topic in the Debug Help Library documentation (dbghelp.chm).

No string is returned and StringBuffer, StringBufferSize, and StringSize must all be set to zero.

DEBUG_SYMINFO_GET_SYMBOL_NAME_BY_OFFSET_AND_TAG_WIDE Returns the Unicode name of the symbol specified by location in memory and PDB tag type. The name is returned to Buffer. StringBuffer is not used.
DEBUG_SYMINFO_GET_MODULE_SYMBOL_NAMES_AND_OFFSETS Returns a list of symbol names and offsets for the symbols in the specified module with the specified PDB tag type. The offsets are returned as an array of ULONG values to Buffer. The names are returned in the same order as the offsets to StringBuffer. Some names might contain embedded zeros because annotations can have multi-part names; hence, each name is terminated with two null characters.

Specifies a 64-bit argument. This parameter has the following interpretations depending on the value of Which:
The base address of the module whose description is being requested.
Specifies the address in the target's memory of the symbol whose name is being requested.
Specifies the module whose symbols are requested. Arg64 is a location within the memory allocation of the module.
Specifies a 32-bit argument. This parameter has the following interpretations depending on the value of Which:
The engine breakpoint ID of the desired breakpoint.
Set to zero.
The PDB classification of the symbol. Arg32 must be one of the values in the SymTagEnum enumeration defined in Dbghelp.h. For more information, see PDB documentation.
The PDB classification of the symbol. Arg32 must be one of the values in the SymTagEnum enumeration defined in Dbghelp.h. For more information, see PDB documentation.
Receives the requested symbol information. The type of the data returned depends on the value of Which. If Buffer is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer Buffer.
Receives the size, in bytes, of the symbol information returned to Buffer. If InfoSize is NULL, this information is not returned.
Receives the requested string. The interpretation of this string depends on the value of Which. If StringBuffer is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the size, in characters, of the string buffer StringBuffer.
Receives the size, in characters, of the string returned to StringBuffer. If StringSize is NULL, this information is not returned.

Return Value

The method was successful.
The method was successful. However, the information would not fit in the buffer Buffer or the string would not fit in the buffer StringBuffer, so the information or name was truncated.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetSymbolInformation is available in IDebugAdvanced2 and later versions. GetSymbolInformationWide is available in IDebugAdvanved3 and later versions.


Headers: Defined in dbgeng.h. Include dbgeng.h.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD