The DebugExtensionProvideValue function sets pseudo-register values.
DebugExtensionProvideValue (
__in PDEBUG_CLIENT Client,
__in ULONG Flags,
__in PCWSTR Name,
__out PULONG64 Value,
__out PULONG64 TypeModBase,
__out PULONG TypeId,
__out PULONG TypeFlags
- Client
- A client to use if the extension needs DbgEng functions.
- Flags
- Provides behavioral flags. This parameter is currently reserved.
- Name
- The name of the value to return. This name might be one of the names that the DebugExtensionQueryValueNames function returned or a name that the caller might already be aware of.
- Value
- A pointer to the value to be set.
- TypeModBase
- The base starting address for Client.
- TypeId
- A pointer to the ID for the type of Value.
- TypeFlags
- A parameter that you can use to return one of the following flags:
- The value that is pointed to by Value is not a pointer.
- The value that is pointed to by Value is an address for a pointer to data of the type that TypeModBase and TypeId specify.
Return Value
DebugExtensionProvideValue might return one of the following values:
- S_OK
- The function was successfully completed.
This function might also return error values. For more information about possible return values, see Return Values.
The name that the Name parameter specifies must start with $$ and have a terminating NULL character.
Headers: The Dbgeng.h header file has the definitions of the callback prototypes.
See Also
DebugExtensionInitialize, DebugExtensionNotify, DebugExtensionQueryValueNames, DebugExtensionUninitialize, KnownStructOutput
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