Debugging Tools for Windows


The ExtRemoteTyped constructors create a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class.


    IN PCSTR  Expr
    ) throw(...)

    IN const DEBUG_TYPED_DATA *  Typed
    ) throw(...)

    IN const ExtRemoteTyped &  Typed
    ) throw(...)

    IN PCSTR  Expr,
    IN ULONG64  Offset
    ) throw(...)

    IN PCSTR  Type,
    IN ULONG64  Offset,
    IN bool  PtrTo,
    ) throw(...)


An expression that evaluates to the desired symbol. This expression is evaluated by the default expression evaluator.
When used with Expr, specifies an additional parameter that can be used when evaluating the Expr expression. This additional parameter is available in the expression as the $extin pseudo-register. For example, to specify a process environment block (PEB) at a particular location, you could set Expr to the C++ expression (ntdll!_PEB *)@$extin. This casts the pseudo-register $extin to a pointer to a PEB. Then, set Offset to the location of the PEB structure.

When used with Type, Offset specifies the location of the data in the target's virtual address space.

The typed data represented by the RemoteExtTyped. This can be either a DEBUG_TYPED_DATA structure that describes the data and type to be represented by this object, or, for the copy constructor, an existing ExtRemoteTyped object.
The type name of the type. Type can include a module qualifier (for example, mymodule!mytype). The module qualifier can be omitted, but it is recommended that it be included if the module is known.
Specifies whether or not to set the ExtRemoteTyped instance to the specified typed data, or to a pointer to the specified typed data. If PtrTo is true, the ExtRemoteTyped instance will contain a pointer to the typed data.
The cache cookie to use for caching type information. If CacheCookie is NULL, the debugger engine will search for type information each time.

For more information about CacheCookie, see ExtRemoteTyped::Set.

The name of a field in the typed data that contains the pointer to the next item in a list. LinkField should be set if CacheCookie is being used for the first time and will later be used with ExtRemoteTypedList.


The typed data can also be set or changed using the ExtRemoteTyped::Set method.


Headers: Defined in Engextcpp.hpp. Include Engextcpp.hpp.

See Also

DEBUG_TYPED_DATA, ExtRemoteData, ExtRemoteTyped::Set, ExtRemoteTypedList

Build machine: CAPEBUILD