Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetUnnamedArgStr method returns an unnamed string argument from the command line used to invoke the current extension command.

    IN ULONG  Index
    ) throw(...)


Specifies the index of the argument. The command-line description used in EXT_COMMAND must specify that the type of this argument is string. The value of Index should be between zero and the number of unnamed arguments returned by GetNumUnnamedArgs minus one (unnamed arguments - 1).

Return Value

GetUnnamedArgStr returns the unnamed string argument.


For an overview of argument parsing in the EngExtCpp extensions framework, see Parsing Extension Arguments.

The string returned by GetUnnamedArgStr is only meaningful during the execution of the current extension command.

This method should only be called during the execution of an extension command provided by this class.


Headers: Defined in Engextcpp.hpp. Include Engextcpp.hpp.

See Also

EXT_COMMAND, GetNumUnnamedArgs

Build machine: CAPEBUILD