Debugging Tools for Windows


The ExtRemoteList constructors create a new instance that wraps a singly-linked or doubly-linked list.

    IN ULONG64  Head,
    IN ULONG  LinkOffset,
    IN bool  Double = false

    IN ExtRemoteData &  Head,
    IN ULONG  LinkOffset,
    IN bool  Double = false


The location, in the target's memory, of the head of the list. The head is not considered to be an item in the list. The type of the head of the list is SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY or LIST_ENTRY.
The offset from the beginning of a list item to the pointer to the next item in the list. This is the offset of the SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY or LIST_ENTRY structure embedded within the list item structure.
Specifies whether the list is singly-linked or doubly-linked. If Double is true, the list is doubly-linked. If Double is false, the list is singly-linked.


For more information about the SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY and LIST_ENTRY structures, see the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.


Headers: Defined in Engextcpp.hpp. Include Engextcpp.hpp.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD