Debugging Tools for Windows


The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object.

ExtRemoteTyped &
    IN const DEBUG_TYPED_DATA *  Typed
    ) throw(...)

ExtRemoteTyped &
    IN const ExtRemoteTyped &  Typed
    ) throw(...)


The typed data description to copy. This becomes the typed data represented by this object. Typed can be either a DEBUG_TYPED_DATA structure that describes the data and type to be represented by this object, or an existing ExtRemoteTyped object.

Return Value

operator= returns the ExtRemoteTyped object.


The typed data can also be copied using the ExtRemoteTyped::Copy method.


Headers: Defined in Engextcpp.hpp. Include Engextcpp.hpp.

See Also

For other methods used to set the initial values of ExtRemoteTyped, see

DEBUG_TYPED_DATA, ExtRemoteTyped, t

Build machine: CAPEBUILD